Monday, September 27, 2010

Diary Project 2011

For the last 2 years I've participated in the Diary Project and I'm so happy that my design got picked as one of the coordinator's favs! Check it out in print (mine is the one just to the right of the spine)!

I'll definitely be placing an order for a copy ASAP and can't wait to see all the other designs! :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oct 24th - Beehives, Bubbles & Bows in London Ontario


We'll get you ready from head to toe!!!
...If you're into all things retro and pampering, then THIS is the event for you - especially if you're heading downtown to get your groove on retro style after stopping by! We'll get you looking (and smelling!) fabulous just like the Hollywood stars from the golden era!

Drop by between 1 - 7pm on Sunday October 21st to have a truly fabulous and pampering time with 3 local fun loving crafty gals!

❉ BEEHIVES by Scissor Kitty ❉
Specializing in retro do's, Morgan from Scissor Kitty is ready to back comb you up a beehive or victory rolls! Takes about 1/2 hour. $15 for a beehive and $20 for victory rolls.

❉ BUBBLES by Batty's Bath ❉
Batty's eco friendly, skin loving bath & body goodies will be on hand to pamper you and transform you into the glamorous spa goddess you know you can be!

❉ BOWS by Weezi ❉
Weezi's retro inspired designs will have you looking like the glamorous gals of days gone by with a ultra chic modern twist! You're sure to find an outfit that will have you feeling like a real retro bombshell!!

1960s Kitchen Dining Breakfast Nook Interior Vintage Interior Design Photo

Can I PLEASE have this kitchen???

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Giant List of Helpful Links!

GraGra33 says:
Original post here -

I've taken everyone's comments and suggestions and made a new single list...

Featured Items:
Featured Sellers:
Heart Viewer:
consolidated Feedback:

Detailed snapshot of a store:

Understanding Etsy Search and how it differs to Google:

Find & Compare side-by-side Tag Relevancy, Average Views per Day, Popularity, or Probability with word clouds: here in the Etsy Forums for TagWars and you can see how Etsians are finding benefit using this tool...

A PC screensaver for viewing selected filtering of Etsy listings with item click through for more detailed listings browsing: There's also a version embedded in the page for MAC & PC users that can be viewed (in full screen mode) just like the PC Screen saver version.

Free Advertising:
Free Advertising

Free press release:
Free Email List:

Free Business Cards:
Create your personalized Business Cards:

Photo editing: , , , , , & (more advanced)

Useful Toolbar with many links (from this thread):
Listing of tools:
Listing of Etsy 3rd-party applications:

Etsy Wiki:
Etsy Resources:
List of resources:

Buttons for your shop:
Free Banners:
Custom Made Etsy ADs

Blog Advertising:
Create a Newsletter:
Plug your sweepstakes/giveaways:

Find out if you are in any Treasuries (excludes Treasury East):
Find out who hearts your store and more:
Google Analytics, track stats:
Get notified if you're on the front page:
Social Media Sites Talking about your store:

Etsy Social Networks: and

Find more tags:
Keyword Optimization:

Places for stationary/business cards etc: , , (through april 30) (15% off 2RB2CK)
Fees Calculator:

Software for Craft Businesses
Etsy Toolbar
How to make your own twitter background:
Free fonts:
Create your own poll:
Make a word cloud:

Get your products placed with famous people
List your Business with MyWikiBiz And help with the formatting:

Free Word processing and spreadsheet applications: is a great tool! Great for spell checking, tag and word selection, plus much more... Here's some of what it offers:
* Great for spell checking
* Thesaurus
* Synonyms
* International variations
* Nearby Words
* Related Searches
* Plus other words & phrases

HUGE list of helpful Vintage and Antique Resource links:

Q&A for IDing your Vintage Finds:

Also, here are some important Storque articles of interest:

* Your Shop 101: Hitting the Sweet Spot with Etsy's Most Relevant Search

* Guidelines & Tips: Tagging on Etsy

* Seller How-To: Tag-o-rama With Descriptive Keywords

* Seller Workshop Recap: Tags, Titles, Descriptions and Most Relevant Search

* Etsy and SEOMoz: Helping the Etsy Community with Search Engine Optimization

And also Google's Keyword Tool:

Other high traffic site to check out:


Treasury Feature: As the Midnight Mists of Halloween Descend

I'm loving this dark halloween treasury! It's up there in my top 10 fav treasuries of all time!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to Get into Thousands of Treasuries

PoleStar says:
This post stems from a few posts I have seen where sellers are astounded at others being featured in thousands of treasuries. I was going to post IN a recent thread but I thought the advice deserved it's own post.

Everyone here should NOT feel like small potatoes for only being in a few treasuries. We all start somewhere! There are unlimited treasuries now so the potential for how many treasuries you can end up in is infinity!

If you want to be in more treasuries some things that help are,

1. of course, great pictures. Set a mood with your photo, if you had a store front, how would you stage the front window? That is what you want to reflect in your shop pictures, of course with out being cluttered.

Someone who posted in the other thread is AmyArtz, her avatar is gorgeous, it makes me want to click, to find out, what is this cool looking cube textured pendant.

2. Of course a well made product and some cohesion in your shop. After a while people will know your shop for a great photographed version of a product.

I sell wire wrapped jewelry. As do A WHOLE LOT of other jewelry sellers on Etsy. I love what I make of course, am obsessed with making it and I do like to run it as a business for profit as well. That is why I am here on etsy selling it instead of piling it on my bed and rolling around in it a la The Proposal or whatever that movie was. My category is swamped. But guess what? I don't let that get me down, I just try to do the best that I can do in my shop.

I take unique photos and people know my shop look and come to my shop for items to put in their treasuries. I know this, b/c they tell me so :D.

I also have a large variety of colors in my shop. From neutrals to bright yellows, etc.

I make what I love. I love owls, Etsy loves owls. I made an owl necklace b/c I LOVE owls. I love foxes, but I am not feeling a fox necklace, just not wanting to go there.

And for SURE I will never EVER make a mustache necklace. If I do, slap me like the passengers do the freak out lady in Airplane b/c I will have done lost my marbles.

If you feel like you want to express a trend, do it! If not, don't! It is important that you do what you love and follow your instincts.

3. Network. Especially network with other people who love to make treasuries. At the heart of the treasury is people loving to curate lists. Be it through your favorites, a challenge through a team, etc. It is a challenging yet fun experience. It can fulfill your need for window shopping and artistic expression as well!

Network by joining a team, START a team! Twitter, Facebook. I have made so many FRIENDS through teams, such good friends, I could go stay with them overnight and sleep at their houses w/o worrying they would be a psycho killer even though I know them only through the internet.

4. Make treasuries and let everyone know you are in them! Pimp them out. That involves convoing people who you featured, tweeting your treasury lists and facebooking them.

Even if you only do one a week it will help.

5. Pay it back and forward. If you are featured in a newbie treasury, make one with newbies; if you are featured by another bow maker who loves your bows, make a treasury with that bow maker.

6. Use the Etsy Merchandising terms.

Personally, I go through the articles and pick out "key words" and email them to myself and when I make a treasury, I skim the list and include the relevant tags in my treasury.

I am by NO means curating a ton of front pages even though I would like to. But those help me nonetheless.

I love being on the front page, but you know what feels even better? CURATING a front page. That is such a rush, awesome feeling.

7. When you feel inspired, make a treasury about it! If you think, "oh this was such a great sunny day" make a sunny day inspired treasury.

If you see a show on discovery about alligators, make a gator treasury!

If you feel strongly that unibrows should usurp the mustache in status not just b/c they are higher on the face, then make a unibrow treasury. I have made a few. }:)

You get the point.

8. Renew your items. Even if you only renew one item a day that is photographed and tagged well, you will end up in more treasuries.

9. Look how people tag the treasuries that end up on the front page. If it applies, use those tags in your treasuries and products.

If it applies to your product, then tag it! One of the terms for September was "earth tones" if you have earth tone items, then TAG that.

DON'T tag your hot pink item "earth tones!" lol. But you know what else is hot on Etsy during spring and summer though? NEON< style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">

10. When someone notifies you they featured you in a treasury, ALWAYS go comment on it. They took the time to make it, and it is an honor to have your item included, whether you are in one treasury or in thousands.

I hope these tips help, I may copy past this list and add to it as I think of other tips.

I am one of those people who are in THOUSANDS of treasuries. I do not know any admin personally, but I have been selling on Etsy for 2 years and networking and making friends for the same time while listing hundreds of items and keeping in mind merchandising themes in my tags. I do all of the above and I know that if you do all of the above too you WILL be in thousands of treasuries faster than you think.


Monday, September 13, 2010

From Knotworkshop: I just hit 200 sales. My tips...

knotworkshop says:
1) Inject your personality into your shop if you can. I am sure that it is my humor that is bringing customers in, not my mad crochet skillz (although they are pretty awesome).

2) Cruise the forums at night. You'll meet some of the funniest (and drunkest) folks. And even venture to Etc. occasionally as cool stuff is hidden down there sometimes.

3) Play the game or don't play the game. It's up to you. But acknowledge there is one. There will always be cronyism and underhanded dealings in every business. Your own shop on here is not immune. Do what you need to do, but just admit it. As my homey fivelittlegems once said 'take care of you and yours cause nobody else will.'

4) Have good enough photos. Seriously, my shop looks more like a copy of Mad Magazine than an Anthropologie catalog. And that's okay. I'm doing fine and I'm holding true to my style. You can too.

5) Sometimes the wolves are in sheep's clothing. Don't understand that? Sometimes the owls are dressed up like felted acorns. And one can claw your eyes out and the other is a squirrel's worst nightmare. So be. on. alert.

6) Our long lost comrade goat once said, 'Etsy is not your boyfriend.' I agree. Etsy is not any one person to love or be loyal too. It is a venue for your business. And remember, even your boyfriend can cheat on you and leave urine all over the toilet- or worse in the corner of the family room if he's really drunk. So keep all your options open.

7) Have fun. Life is too serious.

As the great philosopher Ferris Bueller once said, "A) You can never go too far. B) If I'm gonna get busted, it is not gonna be by a guy like that."

Rock on my fellow Etsians.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Etsy Success Reading List and a Thought About Big Brands

Etsy Admin
daniellexo says:
I recently read a blog post about Levi's Worshop, a space dedicated to supporting culture and community.

"Many companies are beginning to acknowledge the shift from just making good products to providing meaningful experiences," says the author, Kristina Loring.

Creative independent business owners usually don't have to make a shift. We have direct access to each and every customer, so making conversations and transactions meaningful and personal should be natural. My advice is to be careful not to copy the archaic language and practices of business past. Be yourself and make big brands jealous!

And here are my top five helpful blog posts I found this week:

1. How to Rebuild Your Attention Span and Focus

2. 15 Ways to Get Inspired

3. One Small Step to Move Ahead

4. If The Price Is Right…

5. Unofficial Etsy Featured Seller - Cottonmonster