Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kitchen Talk: Exclusive Interview With Ricky Taylor

VIDEO [ASL] - SportsMX - Kitchen Talk: Exclusive Interview With Ricky Taylor

The premiere of Kitchen Talk show from SportsMX.

This episode is a special segment called, "The Ugly Truth" where one of our hosts, Bridget Bonheyo, interviews Ricky Taylor (aka Ridor9th) who is known as the most controversial blogger and vlogger in Deaf Community.

KitchenTalk - Episode 4 from SportsMX on Vimeo.

ASL VIDEO: Kitchen Talk :Ricky Taylor

Visit Kitchen Talk - the newest talk show for the Deaf community:

SportsMX is an international sports news for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people visit:

This is it - You've reached the place that perhaps the only Deaf Gay man that knew almost ... everything about your lives. Enjoy the ride. Cheers, R-

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