Wednesday, July 1, 2015

5 Foods (And 1 Drink!) That Literally Melt Fat

5 Foods (And 1 Drink!) That Literally Melt Fat

Coconut Oil
(Photo: Courtesy of Getty)
According to health guru Dave Asprey, author of The Bulletproof Diet, fat is the most important macronutrient—as long as you’re eating the right kind. That means ditching harmful saturated and trans fats (like red meat and hydrogenated oils), and adding a healthy dose of good fat, which allows your body to burn fat and digest food more efficiently. Don’t let the higher-calorie content of coconut oil fool you. Try adding an organic, unrefined version to smoothies or cooking with it as a butter alternative, and aim to get 6 to 8 tablespoons of coconut oil a day. 
(Photo: Courtesy of Getty)
Getting enough fiber in your diet is key to staying slim, because it’s what promotes digestive health and keeps your bowel movements regular, says Eva Selhub, M.D., author of Your Health Destiny: How to Unlock Your Natural Ability to Overcome Illness, Feel Better, and Live Longer. Cauliflower is a fiber-packed, non-starchy veggie that’s loaded with phytonutrients, antioxidants, and vitamin C, which has been linked to helping burn more fat during exercise. Try it raw in salads, or steamed and mashed with garlic for a healthier version of mashed potatoes. Photo: 
(Photo: Courtesy of Getty)
Getting enough protein is key for burning fat and staying slim. Salmon is a high-quality source of lean protein that will feed your muscles and fuel your metabolism, according to Apovian. How does it work, besides filling your belly so you eat less? High-protein foods take more energy for your body to process, which means you’re burning even as you eat it. Bonus: Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. 
(Photo: Courtesy of Getty)
The tearjerker veggie adds tons of flavor to any recipe, but it won’t add to your waistline. Onions have anthoxanthins that promote lower blood pressure and healthy cholesterol levels, in addition to minerals and oils that help break down fat and speed up your metabolism. Research shows that an onion-rich diet can even boost your mood, regulate your sleep, and lower your risk of cancer. 
(Photo: Courtesy of Getty)
The yummy berries are low in calories, high in fiber, and they contain ketones, a compound that has been linked to lowering fat in animal studies. And they’ve got those all-important antioxidants you keep hearing about, which will bust the inflammation that could be slowing down your fat-burning process. 
Green Tea
(Photo: Courtesy of Getty)
Drinking plenty of water keeps the chemical reactions that your metabolism depends on for running smoothly and speedily. It’s been proven to contribute to your body’s ability to burn calories, says Apovian. A great way to get that water? Steeping it with green tea, which can kick your metabolism into gear (even more, thanks to its thermogenic properties), fight fatigue, and lower risk of disease. 
By: Hannah Hickok

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