Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Man Found Innocent of Killing Deaf 15-Year-Old Girlfriend in 1981

BRIDGEVIEW, ILL - Gary Albert, pudgier than his 1981 yearbook showed him and wearing glasses, walked out of the Bridgeview courthouse Monday night a free man, acquitted of the cold case murder of his pregnant, 15-year-old Deaf girlfriend.

Jurors who heard five days of evidence against Albert, who 30 years ago was an 18-year-old Deaf student at Hinsdale South High School, decided in less than an hour that he did not kill Dawn Niles as prosecutors had charged. “Mr. Albert, you are free to go,” Judge Joan M. O’Brien told the 49-year-old, and once the American Sign Language interpreter relayed her words, Albert looked up at the ceiling.

His mother uttered “Oh dear God” and burst into tears... Read more: http://beaconnews.suntimes.com/news/8993448-418/man-found-innocent-of-killing-deaf-15-year-old-girlfriend-in-1981.html

Trial of Deaf man in girlfriend's fatal stabbing may involve up to 3 sign-language interpreters.

Read full story: chicagotribune.com/news/local/ct-met-deaf-murder-story

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