Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Personal Appeal From ASL Songsigner

VIDEO [CC ] - Tubers community resonpses on a personal appeal from American Sign Language songsigner.

Tubers the vlogger community to share opinions, insights, experiences and perspectives which is introduced the important issues and encouraged to debate hot topics about a personal appeal from American Sign Language songsigner.

After a year away from this wonderful YouTube community, I'm back with a new video and a new direction. Question: Are you with me? And if not, why? And if so, why? Video referenced:

Related Video: Re: A Personal Appeal From ASL Songsigner CaptainValor.

This didn't come out completely as I planned, but I guess the gist of my message is there. I just think it's important to remember that you're 'famous' because of ASL... and now you are not including the Deaf community in your new endeavors at all.

It seems sort of ironic that by wanting to become a part of the YouTube community, you are saying goodbye to another one (maybe not personally, but publicly as a YouTube figure). As a hearing person, I can't speak for Deaf people, but I think this is the reason why they're sometimes hesitant about hearing people entering/representing their community. Maybe you could try to do some vlogs about Deaf related things, or include them somehow.

Allyballybabe has something in her YouTube "about me" that I've always liked: "one more thing i am very concerned about. though ASL is extremely beautiful and interesting, it is important to remember WHERE and WHO ASL came from... the Deaf. " Just some thoughts.

Related Video: Thoughts, Responses, and a Challenge!

Wow! What a response. Just couldn't wait another week to follow-up. In this video I respond to some of these responses, give some more detailed thoughts on my work and Deaf community, and challenge you all to our first creative collaboration!

QUESTION: What would you like me to call you, my community?

CHALLENGE: Perform "Party in the USA" in sign language and video respond to this video or my original ASL video. You can start from my gloss, but I encourage your too add your own unique spin! Two weeks from now I'll cut your performances together into a collage with each line from a different person.

Videos referenced: SocialCantaloupe:




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