Saturday, January 7, 2012

Joey Bell Jr: The Next Deaf UFC Fighter ?

Joey Bell Jr: Fighter's video profile 'Being Tough Is Not Enough'.

WINDSOR, Canada - Joe Bell Jr is my childhood and best friend of 23 years. Growing up with him and his family who are Deaf was always a bowl of cherries and we always had a great time.

We used to workout together before but I stopped a few years ago and he continued as his goal was to be a bodybuilder but he realized the risk of abusing his body with steroids - he never took them and the amount of working out to be done he started to train MMA in the last 2 years or so after Matt Hamill inspired him.

He also met him as well and said he was a great guy with a big heart. So, he asked me to go to the gym with him to make a video profile for him to gain him some exposure as we all know YouTube is the place to be where dreams can come true.

I am also promoting Mady's Karate school as it was only fair as Albert allowed me to video Joe and his gym so if you are from the Windsor area and are interested in MMA, judo, karate you name it, Mady's is definitely the place to go. After all he was the 1st Canadian to be inducted into the Karate Hall of Fame. Sources by Scott Kerr.

Thanks for watching the video and hope you enjoyed it as well as I enjoyed shooting and editing it.

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