Saturday, January 14, 2012

Deaf Canadians Put Pressure On CRTC

VIDEO [CC] - Deaf Canadians community put pressure on CRTC in American Sign Language.

CANADA - A handful of Deaf people and supporters gathered in front of the Canadian Radiotelevision and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) building in Regina on Friday, taking part in one of nine rallies across Canada in support of making Video Relay Services (VRS) available to the whole country.

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CALGARY - More than hundreds Deaf people and their supporters rallied outside offices of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) Friday. They want the CRTC to continue providing a free service that allows Deaf people to use visual phones and sign language interpreters... Read more:

VANCOUVER - The Deaf community wants government to fund a specialized service so Deaf people can communicate by telephone just the same as hearing-enabled people. Video Relay System, or VRS, was provided on an 18-month trial to 311 Deaf people in B.C. and Alberta but the funding runs out Jan. 15, hanging up the service, for the short term, at least. It was funded with a fee levied against all Canadian telephone customers. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission contracted Telus to do trials, then make its recommendations... Read more:

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