Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Deaf Lebanese Contemporary Dance Performance

VIDEO: English Subtitles - Deaf Lebanese choreographer Pierre Geagea’s project combines dance with sign language.

StepFeed - Pierre Geagea, a Lebanese choreographer and contemporary expressionist dancer, has created a special kind of performance that fuses the grace and fluidity of sign language, with the emotional depth of modern dance.

Geagea says the idea for” Mother Tongue” came when he thought of “mixing contemporary ballet with expressionism and sign language.” This was his first step in taking the essence of dance being a form of communication to a whole new level.

The 34-year-old, who was born Deaf, spent his childhood unable to hear or speak. In his mid-teens, after strenuous effort and endless sessions of speech therapy, he learned to read lips. Donating to Pierre Geagea’s fundraising campaign site: Projects Mothertongue

Geagea says that dance helped him communicate when he lacked the ability to speak. “When I was around 10,” Geagea told Beirut.com, “I didn’t know much about dance but I used to love Michael Jackson”.

This was a performer who inspired him, and he immediately found dance to be a form of self-expression and a source of strength... Read more: https://stepfeed.com/more-categories/culture/deaf-lebanese-choreographers-project-combines-dance-sign-language

Follow Pierre Geagea:

Subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/pierregeagea

Facebook - https://facebook.com/pierre.geagea

Twitter - https://twitter.com/geageapierre

Campaign Site - http://zoomaal.com/projects/mothertongue

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