Monday, August 24, 2015

Deaf Protest Rally At The White House In D.C.

VIDEO [Signed] - Information updates on the Deaf protest at the White House in Washington, District of Columbia.

WASHINGTON - Deaf protest rally will be held on September 5th and 6th 2015 at the white house in Washington DC. The protest is all about unemployment, discrimination, civil rights and language barriers in the United States. Here's the information of the location, time, meet, trip, and employment statistics.

The White House announces a new location for the protest area at the Ellipse Park, instead the Lafayette Square due to the renovation. Up to 20,000 Deaf people gathering at the park at 10 am - 4 pm - as seen on the map: Here.

This is an explanation on the base of erroneous information on the percentage of Deaf unemployment. Reading and understanding statistics are complicated. It's imperative to be critic of any research or papers with numbers: 2014 Disability Statistics Annual Report.

Gallaudet Report - There are some statistics investigating the employment rate of working-age individuals with hearing loss in the United States. The statistics for 2013 are made available in the Disability Statistics Compendium, specifically Table 2.3. The data within Table 2.3 is based on data from the 2012 American Community Survey from the Census Bureau.

Deaf Protest Rally Free Ride - Group bus trip: Meet at New Jersey Association of the Deaf Campus by 5:30 am and leaving at 6 am to Lafayette Square Park in Washington D.C. Watch Video in ASL.

Please mark on your calendar to remind the date - September 5th and 6th 2015, and it will be at the White House in Washington DC. Be safe!

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