Monday, December 7, 2015

Deaf Culture - Have We Cured Deafness ?

VIDEO [CC] - Have We Cured Deafness? ASLStart's video goes viral on social media in the Deaf Community.

StartASL: Like much of America, I was raised having minimal to no interactions with the Deaf community and I didn’t give it a second thought. That is, until I took two years of American Sign Language (ASL) in high school and a full year of ASL at the University of Washington. While completing these classes, I discovered that there is a very strong and rich sense of community within Deaf Culture.

Over the years, I have found myself troubled by how a group of people so large (approximately 1 in 20 people are Deaf or Hard of Hearing) could play such a minor role in America with stereotypes continuously dampening their career aspects. When the opportunity presented itself to create a video aimed to educate hearing people about the Deaf person’s inequality, I took it.

I created the “Have We Cured Deafness?” video as part of a class project within my Master’s program (Communication Leadership) at the University of Washington. I designed this three-minute video to both set the stage for and be the first of a series that will further break down stereotypes that plague the Deaf community.

I hope you not only take the time to watch “Have We Cured Deafness?” but that you also do the due diligence of looking into Deaf culture and how we can improve our systems to better include these amazing people. As stated in the video, I recommend to learn more about Deaf culture.

Director - Jacob Christensen.

Filming Assistant - Leigh Burmesch.

Related Hearing Parents With Deaf Children:

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

Educate Hearing Parents of Deaf Children

Early Language Acquisition of Deaf Babies

Deaf Awareness: One Deaf Child

American Sign Language For Babies & Toddlers

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