Saturday, August 20, 2011

Deaf Awareness: Alone In A Hearing World

VIDEO: Deaf boy's frustration when there's no communication access and left him out alone in a hearing world.

If you watch this video, and open your eyes and understand in 'Alone in a Hearing World' shows true to life scenarios of a young Deaf boy growing up in a hearing world.

With family members who can't communicate and continuous misunderstandings by his teachers and coaches, he is forced to live in a world of isolation. However, when he pleas for his Mothers understanding and falls short, he ends up in the only place he seems to find acceptance.

It is how a young Deaf boy's frustration in a hearing world and mainstream school. Deaf children often feels violation and oppressing from a hearing parents. Stop audism and give them a chance to education which is a part in ASL and culture to cherished.

Related Post:

Alone In A Deaf World

Alone In A Hearing World

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