Thursday, February 23, 2012

For Those Who Don't Understand What It's Like To Be Deaf

VIDEO: For those who don't understand what it's like to be Deaf in American Sign Language.

For people who don't understand ASL here is a written translation:

Hello my name is Leeza.

Hello my name is Joshua.

Leeza: Joshua and I are from California School for the Deaf in Fremont.

Joshua: We are here to talk about your proposal HB1367 - that proposal talks about moving Outreach out from Indiana School for the Deaf and ISD has to pay for it.

Leeza: I'll share one quotation, "History does not repeat itself", Foraker Act in 1900...

Joshua: Long time ago in 1900 Puerto Rico became a territory of America. The president of United States got to pick their president. How is that become a problem? Puerto Ricans didn't get a president that understood their environment, culture, and rights.

How we are having the same problem with the board that Indiana government choose (All the people in ISD board is not the people we suggested.) - they made the decision that will hurt Indiana School for the Deaf. We, Deaf people, feels like you are not respecting our rights as a Deaf citizen of United States.

Leeza: Now look at ISD's Board, they are proposing to pull Outreach out from Indiana School for the Deaf and put it to someplace else and forcing ISD to pay for it. Outreach is very important for us. It's the place where parents with Deaf children will learn about children's choices - cochlear implant(s), ASL, oral methods, and many more choices. Of course ISD want to play the big part in supporting with their children's future.

We also want to show them how ASL is our big success for Deaf people. Again, we Deaf citizens feels like we don't have our right of speech, based on my data: about 400 people send letters explaining why this should be not happening. While another 30 letter supports this proposal. Now, we want you to think about your decision. We, Deaf citizens of United States, think the right decision will be keeping the outreach in ISD.

Please support our cause and go to and sign our petition.

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